maandag 19 november 2012

November 19th

Hye Everyone,

It's been a while since I've posted my last post, so I guess I needed to write a new one for you guys.

I've done some amazing things so far, and it only keeps on getting better here :)
Halloween was really cool. We were sitting on our front porche while all the children came up to get some candy. They were all dressed so cute !
Diana and I dressed up as well, and we had a great time.

November the 6th, it was election day. My classes were cancelled, so we were just hanging out at school for the day. It was a very exciting day !
We were watching television till late that night. When it became clear who the new president was, we all went to bed. The next day, everybody was kind off sad, because everybody in Tennessee wanted Mitt Romney to win the election.

I really wanted to shoot while I'm in Tennessee. So Parker picked me up on a friday, and we went shooting. Molly accompanied us. I had a great time. I didn't really did a good job, but that's ok, cause I had a great time.

We also had a bondfire this month. Jane also came with us an together we to the goldston's house. We ate American Hot Dogs, and they learned us how to make Smore's. It was a cracker sandwich, with melted marshmellows and chocolate. It was delicious !
After that we played Hide and seek in the dark.

Last week, there was the Gala with live auction. We all dressed up, and had dinner at the Gala. That was really cool. Especially the live auction was really impressive !

Last week was also Addyson's first birthday. We had a party at her house. She received lots and lots of gifts. I hope she had a great time.

This afternoon, The roane Choral society had their Messiah concert. And because Diana and I am singing in Roane Choral, we had to e there as well :)
I think it went really well, and the band sounded great ! It was an amazing afternoon.

Next week will be thanksgiving. We did all the grocery shopping this thursday, and we bought a turkey wich weights 15 pounds. That's gonne be the best thanksgiving ever !
Hopefully Diana wants to teach me how to make a turkey for thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to meet some new family members, and have an amazing time with the whole family!

Next friday will be black friday, so Sandy's gonna take us shopping in the middle of the night. I'm looking forward to that !

And next weekend, we will go to my first college football game. UT ( University of Tennessee ) will be playing against the University of Kentucky. I'm really looking forward to that ! My Orange outfit is ready, and the face paint is ready to get out of the box :)
It's gonna be an amazing experience :)

I'm gonna have an exciting next month, and I will keep y'all posted on what's happening in my American Life :)

See you Next Year,