maandag 7 januari 2013

January 6th

Hey Y'all, 

How's everyone doin' ? 
Everything is amazing here ! 
The hometour was really cool. We saw 11 totally differend houses, and all of them were decorated in a different theme.
Sundaynight we had a homeowner party. Most of them where a little older than I was, but Jane was there too, so we had fun together. 

A week later, our church had their churchprogram from the children and youth group. We practiced this for months now, and actually, we all did really good. 

At christmas time, we made like a 1000 cookies for our guests, because we had an open house on Christmas eve. At 7pm, there was the churchservice, and after that we opened our house for the community and friends. That was a lot of fun ! 
On Christmasday, we had bbrunch with our family, and after that we opened presents. I got a necklace, wich is really pretty :)
Brayden got a Thomas playtent, and together we played in his tent for quite a while :)

The second day of Christmas, we had to leave for New Orleans. Rachel Goldston came with us. We had a blast ! It was a really fun holiday. We went to a cooking class to learn ho to make Gumbo, we went to the french Market, we went on a swamptour looking for alligators, we did a plantation tour, we ate a lot of good food, ... :)

2 days after I had to leave to New York with my other exchange students. 
So far, we visited Central Park, the Museum of the Native americans, ground zero, times Square, the plaza hotel, chinatown, little italy, statue of Liberty, and so on. 
We are having a blast here. Tonight we're gonna visit the Rockefeller center. Hopefully that will be cool too ! 

Hope you guys are having fun too ! 
Ciao, Sara

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